Book an
Alpine Hut

Members only may book huts. However non-members/general public are welcome to use the huts. To manage health and safety requirements you will need to have an inducted member in your group.

If you are not a member - join here

Please fill out the form and an invoice will be created and sent to your email.

Terms and Conditions

Robert hut is exclusively available for use by members at a rate of $20 per adult, and $15 per child, per night.. When room is available, members will be able to take non-members with them. Non-members will be charged $30 Adult and $22 child per night.

Non-members are the responsibility of members and the member must be present for the duration of the stay. The huts are not available for unsupervised use by the general public. Members under the age of 18 will require supervision from an adult member.

Each party using the facility must have a person with them for the duration of the stay who has completed an induction course. The induction will cover fire safety, generator operations, management of the water systems and the general health and safety requirements of our concession.

Induction weekends will be held on a regular basis.

For more information please contact:

Euan McIntosh
Groups contact, Membership and bookings
021 226 0051

All other enquiries contact:


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